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Tirukural – Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Wanton Women

Verse 914
A man of some means, surrounded by wealth and scriptural texts, has retreated to a shady tree to contemplate spiritual matters. He does not see a beautiful woman who has approached him and is trying to get his attention. When he ignores her, the woman reaches out to another man.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 911

The sweet words of beautifully bangled women who desire
a man’s wealth and not his love decree his fall into disgrace.

Verse 912

Weigh the worth and abandon the company of wanton women
who, weighing their profit, prattle about their virtues.

Verse 913

A mercenary woman pretends intimate embrace,
but in the darkened room, she caresses a stranger’s carcass.

Verse 914

Men seeking spiritual treasures are too worldly wise
to touch tawdry women who treasure only material riches.

Verse 915

Men of innate good sense and acquired wisdom
never touch tramps who shamelessly share their beauty with all.

Verse 916

Desiring to maintain their jubilant goodness, men will not
embrace enticing women who proffer lewd charms to all.

Verse 917

Only men of unchaste mind will lie in the arms of women
whose hearts chase after other things as they embrace.

Verse 918

It is said that men devoid of discerning wisdom
succumb to a deceiving damsel’s embrace as to a siren’s song.

Verse 919

The soft arms of the elegantly bejeweled harlot
are a murky mire that engulfs wicked, stupid men.

Verse 920

Two-faced females, besotting brew and addictive dice
befriend the men whom fortune has forsaken.

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