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Colorado Bronze Visit

Our traveling swamis visited the somewhat remote workshop of Bryan Buikema, called C8. Bryan was an apprentice to Bobby Page who crafted all of our bronzes over the years: the amazing silpi statues, Hanuman and more. When Bobby decided to take the Great Journey last year, his wife Kathy introduced us to his successor Bryan, and this was our first meeting with him.

He took us through his shop in rural Colorado where he is working on two projects for the monastery: the 35 bronze panels for Iraivan Temple and a custom-crafted chain for our new Bell Tower.

It proved to be a creative meeting during which the details of the chain were brainstormed and additional refinements revealed. Such oneness of mind is a key to successful creative projects.

Bryan's assistant, Tim, shared with us the technical process of making the chain, a bit too convoluted for this story but fascinating. You will see more of Bryan's metal craftsmanship in the years ahead.

2 Responses to “Colorado Bronze Visit”

  1. Manick Rajen says:

    The 35 bronze panels for Iraivan Temple and a custom-crafted chain for our new Bell Tower are really unique ! So beautiful will be our Iraivan Temple. Thank you Gurudeva and Bodhinatha! Aum.

  2. Pethuraja says:


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