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Pradosha Puja at Iraivan Temple

Pradosha is a bimonthly occasion on the thirteenth day of every fortnight in the Hindu calendar. The auspicious three-hour period 1.5 hours before and after sunset is considered as the most suited and optimal time for worship of Siva on this day. Before the normal afternoon puja to Mahalingesvara, our priest, Pravinkumar, pays extra attention to Nandi. He starts by re-oiling Nandi and a bali peetha on opposite side, then performs abhishekam to Nandi with milk, turmeric, sandalwood and rose water while chanting Sri Rudram, then decorates with new cloth and garlands, and offers dhupa, deepa and naivedyam. Nandi gets the extra attention because of the following legend (quoted from Wikipedia)-- The devas (celestial deities) approached Siva in the most propitious moments of pradosha to get relief from the asuras- Danavas and Daityas. They ran around Kailasha, Shiva's abode hitherto on a Thrayodashi evening and were aided by Nandi, Shiva's sacred bull. Siva aided them in killing the asuras, which is why the practise of worshipping Siva on Thrayodashi along with Nandi emerged and continues in Siva temples. Metaphysically, this story could be interpreted as describing a specific prayer during this time twice a month to have one's aura purified of negative colors and vasanas.

3 Responses to “Pradosha Puja at Iraivan Temple”

  1. Pethuraja says:


  2. SriLakshmi says:

    Aum Namasivayam 🙏🙏🙏

  3. Sankuthi says:

    Aum Namasivaya
    Thank you Swamis for this post. Nandi Devar looks splendid and the Priest Pravinkumar is doing an excellent job! Pradosha/Somavara Pradosha pujas are sought out by Sivabaktars worldwide–there is no greater joy than attending these pujas.
    Jai Kailasa Paramparai
    Jai Sivayoga Swami
    Jai Gurudeva
    Jai Satguru Bodhinatha
    Sivayanama aum

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