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Arriving in Lovely Mauritius

After a grueling series of flights, from Malaysia to Singapore to Dubai to Mauritius in one lone 25-hour day of airports and long flights, Paramacharya and Tillainathaswami arrived on the island of Mauritius. Senior sishyas greeted us with affection and drove us to a remote cottage right on the beach. It had been nine years since our last visit (delays caused by COVID), so there was much to catch up on. A short rest, then off to an Indian restaurant to share a welcoming meal. Then sleep. Ah, sleep.

Mauritius is an island off the coast of Africa, about 50% larger than Kauai, but with 1.5 million people, 52% being Hindu. It is renowned for its lush forests, white sandy beaches, and volcanic mountain ranges. Notably, it has a significant Hindu population, constituting nearly half of the total residents. This Hindu community profoundly influences the island's culture, festivals and architecture.

4 Responses to “Arriving in Lovely Mauritius”

  1. Pethuraja says:


  2. SriLakshmi Rathakrishnan says:

    Aum Namasivayam 🙏🙏🙏

  3. amma Anne Deer says:

    Aum Aum…love & blessings

  4. Sankuthi says:

    Jai Ganesha!
    Thank you Swamis for this post. What a blessing to the Hindus in Mauritius and thank you Gurudeva for creating the Spiritual Park. Enjoy, take rest and keep us all posted on events there. Long live Kailasa Paramparai. Jai Satguru Bodhinatha.
    Aum Namasivaya
    Sivayanama Aum

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