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Associated Press Story Goes Global

Meet the Associated Press (arguably the world's largest provider of news) described as: "The AP has a vast global reach, distributing news in multiple languages, reaching audiences across diverse cultures worldwide."

In July they sent a journalist (Deepa Bharat) and a photographer (Jessie Wardarski) to Kauai to do a story on Iraivan Temple. They work together as a special team, traveling internationally to cover specifically spiritual stories for the Associated Press. They spent three days on the island and later created an article and a 4-minute video, both very authentic and tasteful. Deepa is a Tamil woman, so she was deeply familiar with the subtleties of Saiva Siddhanta philosophy which would have escaped others; plus she could interview Pravinkumar in Tamil, who said some sweet things (watch the film). This morning we are getting messages from around the world asking if we saw this? Yes, and helped create it!

You can enjoy the video and the story here (and share it freely):

4 Responses to “Associated Press Story Goes Global”

  1. Pethuraja says:


  2. Chamundi Sabanathan says:

    Beautifully done!

  3. Amma Anne Deer says:

    Well done! It’s lovely : ) om om

  4. J. Sivakumara says:

    The AP film shows the very rustic block huts in the middle of the jungle where the Kauai Adheenam monks sleep and live. These rustic huts showed most clearly the monk’s life of detachment, renunciation, and austerity. Aum.

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