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Hula at the Monastery Nov 6, 2023

As mentioned in this post from November, Kulu Leihilani brought her dancers to perform the Pihanakalani chant and dance on the historic land that the ancient hula was created for. After weeks of making their outfits, they came with family and friends. The event was captured by iEcho, who’ve just released this wonderful video.

4 Responses to “Hula at the Monastery Nov 6, 2023”

  1. Pethuraja says:

    “AUM”! .

  2. Madan ganesh Velayudham says:

    It was a treat to watch while re-emphasising the importance of culture and origins of Kauai ! Great performance!

    Thank you Gurudeva and Satguru for treating us with this magical performance.

    As always, Paramacharya’s final touch sums up the event in great style.

    Aum Sivaya !

  3. TinaD says:

    Mahalo, Thank You. So uplifting to watch this sacred, graceful dance. What a treat to listen and watch.
    Truly following all disciplines of spiritual life, including and making, printing the beautiful yellow outfits.
    How appropriate the color of outfits, the presentation of performance, for posting on Day of Makar Sankranti, as Surya-Sun enters Uttarayana. Thank You.πŸ•‰πŸ•‰πŸͺ”πŸ’πŸ¦š

  4. Jiva Rajasankara says:

    Aum sivaya, everyone

    It was a treat to witness and enjoy the Hula Dance at this sacred place where the heaven meets the earth.

    My memories flash back to 1986 where Gurudeva took the member’s youths , I was fortunate to be a counsellor.
    for the yourh retreat.

    We went to a hillside facing the ocean where a Hula Dance was arranged. We enjoyed the Hula Dance with Gurudeva.

    A testimony
    Gurudeva sat on a rock on a higher ground and we sat below Gurudeva. Two dances were completed and suddenly Gurudeva walked away to sit at a different location.

    After the dance performance was over, as we were walking towards our car, I asked Gurudeva why he moved to another place.

    He replied saying that , THAT place is for the Devas who protect the area. The devas had requested Gurudeva to occupy a different place.

    Such is our Guru Oaramparai. Jai Gurudeva . Aum

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