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Happy Mahasivaratri!

Iraivan Temple celebrated Mahasivaratri for the very first time on March 7th evening into the next morning.

From Dancing with Siva--
"Mahivartri is the night before the new-moon day in February-March. We observe it both as a discipline and a festivity, keeping a strict fast and all-night vigil, meditating, intoning iva's 1,008 names, singing His praise, chanting r Rudram, bathing the ivaliga and being near thevairgsas they strive to realize Paraiva."

We began with singing by devotees, then chanting Sri Rudram, followed by Satguru's upadesha on spiritual unfoldment through the four purusharthas, goals of life. The Pravin Kumar Gurukal performed homa, followed by the first kala abhishekam which ended about midnight.

After midnight, Gurukal continued with three more kala abhishekams, decorating Mahalingesvara sphatikalinga in a different manner each time, ending around 5am.

We Hope You Have an Insightful 2024 Mahasivaratri!

Tonight is Siva's Great Night. While our observance of Ardra Darshanam is a celebration of Siva as infinite creation, Mahasivaratri is much the opposite—an introspective dive into the perfectly still source of all that is.

Gurudeva describes Nirvikalapa Samadhi thus: “The inmost center of consciousness–located only after the actinic forces dissolve concepts of form and even consciousness being conscious of itself–is found to be within the center of an energy-spinning force field. This center–intense in its existence, consciousness only on the perimeter of the inside hub of this energy field–vitalizes all externalized form.” “Losing consciousness into the center of this energy field catalyzes one beyond form, time, space. The spinning hub of actinic energy recreating, preserving and dissipating form quickly establishes consciousness again. However, this is then a new consciousness, the continuity of consciousness having been broken in the nirvikalpa samadhi experience. Essentially, the first total conscious break in the evolution of man is the first nirvikalpa samadhi experience. Hence, a new evolution begins anew after each such experience. The evolutional patterns overlap and settle down like rings of light, one layer upon another, causing intrinsic changes in the entire nature and experiential pattern of the experiencer.”

Iriavan Temple Krittika Homa

Aum Namah Shivaya

At Iriavan Temple each month, during the Kirttika Nakshatra, Pravinkumar performs a special homa. Since Iraivan is not yet fully open to pilgrims, it is attended by Satguru and a few monks and devotees. This time, Rajen Manick was there to capture the event with his camera. This Krittika was quite auspicious, being very close to the full moon, with Ardra the next day and Thai Pusam being the next. This is a powerful time for inner and outer worship. Aum.

2024 Thai Pongal

Jai Ganesha!

Last week the aadheenam celebrated Thai Pongal. This annual celebration takes place during the month of Thai (~January), when the Sun enters Capricorn. It recognizes the solar new year and gives respect and thanks to Lord Surya, provider of light and life for our whole solar system.

On this day, the monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam teamed together to make a special lunch for Satguru and the monks. They spent all morning making Channa Masala, Payasam, Vadai, Papadams Curries, Chutney, Sambar and of course, Pongal! To top it off everything was served on traditional banana leaves. Aum Namah Sivaya

Today is Gurudeva’s 97th

Happy Jayanthi, Gurudeva...

For decades January 5 has held a special place in our lives, the day we would fall at Gurudeva's feet and joyously wish him Happy Birthday.

In 1998, we held a special island-wide surprise party to honor his 72nd birthday. He regarded the 72nd as specially significant, entering the fourth stage of life, the sannyasa ashraa. The event was called "It's a Beginning!" Over 500 island residents were invited to the Kilohana Mansion for an evening of adventures. As the day approached there was much planning, but we only shared the minimum with him, so when he went out to get in the car, we kept walking and put him (amazed!) into a helicopter waiting in a field where Iraivan now sits for the five-mile flight to his party. Hawaiian hula dancers and chanters greeted him, and Hindu ladies offered the traditional arati at the entrance.

Inside, Gurudeva was brought to the stage where he danced with Kauai's Mayor, Maryanne Kusaka; he showing her Manipuri dance, she tutoring him in hula. We weighed him on a homemade scale and gave him a check for what his weight in gold was that day. A giant painting by Indra Sharma, a famed Indian artist, was unveiled to raucous applause. Butterflies were released; elders were honored by children (something Gurudeva stressed often); songs were sung and tearful testimonies shared; and a grand veggie dinner was served.
Today would mark his 97th birthday.

Happy Birthday, Gurudeva, as you continue to guide us in this and the inner worlds of light. Our offering today is not so social as that 1998 party, but our love, if anything, is stronger, and we place that as our gift at your feet today.

Ardra Darshanam 2023

Aum Namah Sivaya

During the recent full moon, our monastics celebrated our annual Ardra Darshanam. The day began with a Siva Homa in Kadavul Temple. This auspicious occasion was a wonderful opportunity for long-time shishya Gaurav and Ripla—who currently are here from Chicago—to take their Vishesha diksha vows after many years of inner preparation and dutiful sadhana.

Following the Homa, the monks finished up some final preparations and then at 9am the puja began. It included our most elaborate abhishekam of the year, as Nataraja is bathed in 108 gallons of milk and many other items, including 108 coconuts which are bought before Him by a human-chain of mathavasis. Hundreds of visitors passed through the temple during the morning to receive darshan from Lord Nataraja. Aum.

Celebrating Ardra Darshanam

"God can be discovered only by God." – Yogaswami

Today is Ardra Dashanam and the monastery is observing an abishekam to Lord Nataraja in Kadavul temple, bathing Him in water, milk, yogurt, vibuthi, honey, chandana, citrus and more. It is a special time once a year when the Moon, Earth and Sun, align with Ardra, the brightest star in Orion (also known as betelgeuse to astronomers). Siva's star is also known as the Dancing Star, due to its constant fluctuations of light. Ardra is a Red Supergiant, and is one of the few that are visible with the naked eye. If it were to be in the center of our solar system, its surface would be at the asteroid belt, fully engulfing Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

Our Gurudeva had many wonderful words to say about our beloved God Siva, here are just a few taken from Merging with Siva: "Of course, if you love Siva, obviously you have to love everyone else. Love brings forgiveness. Love brings understanding. Love brings feeling. All Saivites of the world love Siva. They love each other, and they love the Vaishnavites, the Shaktas, the Smartas, the tribal Hindus and everyone in the world, because Siva's energy is working through everyone in the entire world--plants, trees, animals, fish, birds. It's so simple. The object of the lesson is to make yourself a very simple, uncomplicated person. Aum Namah Sivaya." - Gurudeva

Happy Pancha Ganapati – Day 5!

December 25, Orange
Nurturing Harmony among All Three Worlds The family sadhana for the final day of Pancha Ganapati is to bring forth love and harmony within all three worlds. Because of sadhanas well performed during the first four days, the family is now more open and aware of Ganesa’s grace, and their love for Him is overflowing. On this day the entire family experiences an outpouring of affection and tranquility from the great God Himself. His blessings fill the home and the hearts of everyone within it, inspiring them anew for the coming year. This exchange of affection between all members of the family and the Lord is invoked and perpetuated through the day by performing five special pujas. These five pujas to Pancha Ganapati (see sidebar below) solicit help from His devas in the home and establish the patterns for improvement in family life. The overflowing love that is felt today will inspire generosity in the year to come, bringing abundance and good fortune in return. All gifts received during the day are placed unopened before Pancha Ganapati.

The Final Day's Five Pujas and Opening of Gifts
The first puja is at 6am. Before the puja, personal offering trays are prepared and placed before His shrine. After the puja, each one gives verbal testimony about prayers that were answered during the past year. Hearing testimonies strengthens the faith of everyone. Then vows of sacrifice can be verbally made. Vows should improve the quality of the life of the individual, such as giving up smoking or swearing or correcting other harmful habits. The second puja is at 9am, and the third at 12 noon. The fourth puja is held at 3pm. The fifth and final puja at 6pm is the long-awaited time. The five sadhanas have been completed. Peace, love and harmony among everyone has been restored. After the puja and before the great feast that follows, Lord Panchamukha Ganapati Himself gives His final darshana and prasada to one and all. Gifts are distributed and joyously opened. Happy children. Happy parents. Happy God. Learn all about Lord Ganesha’s Holiday celebration here: Please also enjoy this explanatory video from Ganesha Bhaktars at the Shree Ghanapathy Temple in London.

Happy Pancha Ganapati – Day 4

December 24, green:
The sadhana of day four is to draw forth the vibration of joy and harmony that comes from music, art, drama and the dance. Family, relatives and friends gather for satsang to share and enjoy their artistic gifts. Then all sit together before Ganesha, Patron of Arts and Guardian of Culture, discussing Hindu Dharma and making plans to bring more cultural refinements into the home. More gifts are placed before Pancha Ganapati.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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